Monday, April 25, 2011

Hoppy Easter! (har har har)

Date: 26/04/2011
Time: 01:11
Days Abroad: 92

Easter weekend was fairly uneventful in the southern hemisphere...we had Good Friday off of school. And the Monday after Easter (Family Day) and we have Wednesday this week off as well (Freedom Day) so, basically all my lecturers took a second mid-semester vac and almost all of my classes are canceled all week. Which is pretty cool if you ask me.

Friday night I went into downtown Cape Town with some friends...we took a mini-bus. Which is supposed to be a big no-no after dark...but we had a boy with us, so we figured we'd take the risk. Well, after dark, I guess the mini-bus becomes the place to be. They are supposed to seat one point I counted 23 people in there...NOT including the driver. And it was all black lights and slow jams as we cruised into town...

We got off at the taxi rank and walked over to Long Street to see what we could see...we ate at a place called the Eastern Food Bazaar. They had Indian and Chinese and other unidentifiable foods and you could pick from any of them and watch them get it was so good. And so cheap! For R20 I got a full meal of rice and schechwan was delicious until I accidentally ate a pepper that mustve been grown on the sun. It was so hot that the outside of my lips were burning 20 minutes after i swallowed it...I actually thought I might be dying. Anyway, after that we wandered up and down Long street, went into a couple of lounges...but it was kind of dead so we were home by 1-ish.

The rest of the weekend I was trying to heal a cold so I spent a lot of time in the comfort of my bed. Monsoon-style rains have arrived in Cape Town so I snuggled under my covers and read some homework and watched some movies.

Easter Sunday...I was out of groceries and the Pick N Pay was not I had take-out a Christmas Story..not quite Gramma Tiny ham but it wasnt bad. Then I got to talk to my lovely family :) that was delightful...

Monday I was a little more adventurous...Sara heard that there is a Starbucks inside a hotel downtown but we were late getting going and then it was pouring down rain so instead of going to find it we went to the Cavendesh mall to watch a movie...on the way, our mini-bus overheated and the whole thing filled with smoke...the driver simply asked the guy in the passenger side to put down his window, made a couple halfhearted attempts at waving the smoke that was POURING out of the vents out of his eyes and kept right on a driving. No big deal. I thought I was going to die of carbon monoxide poisoning or something...not my ideal way to go out, smashed between 2 stinky men in the backseat of a very crowded mini-bus where nobody would realize I was dead until they reached Wyneburg and turned around and tried to collect my 6 rand for the ride back into town....haha

When we arrived (alive, thankfully) the mall was like a maze. We went and bought the tickets first then had about an hour to kill so we wandered and I was seriously concerned about being able to find my way back to the was 4 floors of escalators and corners and sky bridges and tiny little stores...and at one point we passed a sign that said "lift for paraplegics"...I am not kidding. I cracked up...what is wrong with just a plain old sign that says "lift"? Like if you arent a paraplegic you cant use the lift? What if you just had a hip replacement? Not a pareplegic but you arent allowed on the lift. No sir, those are for paraplegics only...ridiculous.

Anyway, we had no idea what our movie was about going in...we literally stared at the posters on the wall for like 10 minutes and I turned to Sara and said "Strangest thing...I have never heard of ANY of these movies..." So we took a leap of faith with Liam Neeson and saw Unknown. It was actually quite good. But, get this, the theater had ASSIGNED SEATS. When we went to the counter to get our tickets the lady said "Front, middle, or back?" and I said "excuse me?" and she said "FRONT, MIDDLE, OR BAAAAACK?" all slowly, like I was a total dummy and I said "er, middle?" thinking maybe they had seperate doors to go through or something...but then she printed my ticket and, sure enough, we had seat numbers. Seats D5 and D6. Now I am thinking that it is a little silly and probably nobody pays attention to that anyway but when we went into the theater...PEOPLE WERE SITTING IN THEIR ASSIGNED SEATS. How weird is that? It was like middle school all over again. We had to climb over an elderly couple, a pimply teenage boy, and a woman in a 3 piece suit to get to our seats then the old lady next to me talked to Liam throughout the whole movie. How annoying. I wouldve liked to move down a couple of seats to avoid her running commentary but I couldnt, because I was assigned to seat D5.

It was pouring still when we got out of the mall so we mini-bussed back to Rondebosch and the driver nearly took out an old White man trying to cross the street--not unusual. Except then the old White man walks around the front of the van and STICKS HIS ARM IN and tries to punch the driver...never a dull moment. I grabbed Sara and hightailed it up the hill...I did not want to be caught in the middle of a mini-bus brawl.

That was about it...I made some dinner (rice and the last of my frozen was a public holiday so the Pick N Pay was closed by the time we got back from the mall). Watched a movie with a couple of friends and now I am headed off to slumber.

All in all, not a very exciting weekend to share with you all...nothing compared to my last few posts...

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend!
Missing everyone!


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